3 Money Making Ideas You Can Use For Your Blog

Are you thinking to create a blog? Before you pull your hair over cPanel settings and HTML codes, you should first have a clear idea of what you want your blog to be about. Accordingly, there are people who are vying to have a blog site but they are not that well skilled in writing. If in case you are quite clueless then red on my friend.Now, here are the steps on how to choose the best blog topic for your niche.

Fresh Content – Let’s face it, there is not one person that wants to visit a boring Sunny Handa that is never updated. You want to be sure to post new content to it daily or at least twice a week. The best way to get this done is to simply write a bunch of posts at once so that you already have them. Then just update your blog with the new content daily or two times a week.

Consistently blog. Consistently blogging is one of the biggest things you can to do direct traffic to your online site. You should write one article each day, at the very least. Successful online marketers who make six figure salaries write new articles numerous times each day. It is in your best interest to always add new and helpful articles to your sites to ensure viewers will return. Doing so will allow search engines to rank your website high. A highly ranked website shall raise website traffic. More articles on your online blogs means more visibility within search engines. In advance, compose your articles and put them away until you are ready to post them each day.

However you don’t want to overdo it with the personal posts. You can be yourself in all of your posts but still keep to the theme or purpose of your post. Use humour or other personal experiences to achieve this.

A blog must be updated frequently. It is important to update your online blog regularly. This will keep your readers interested and well informed. It is important to stick to a schedule. If you decide to post to your blog three times a week, then continue to do so. Regular readers will begin to expect this of you, and will be disappointed if you suddenly neglect your blog. Keep up with your blog and your readers will continue to follow your company and read your content.

Be discreet. It is just normal if you will share some info on your blog, however, make sure not to share private information. Never share your kids’ names, their school and the like. Respect the privacy of your family members and never mention them on your blog most especially if it concerns their private life. You can do this by choosing the words that you will use as well as by setting up the privacy controls of your blog.

‘Nothing comes from Nothing’, and so it also is, with creating this system of earning online passive income. All one has to do is make up their mind, set aside a few hours a day for starters, and seriously go about setting up a system that is going to work from the start, and the only system that would work from the start is ‘blogging’.

In conclusion, this brings to an end my 10 rules of radical blogging. Now I know I have stepped on some toes, I know I have challenged the views of many; I know I stirred the waters of conventional wisdom. So I am going to level the playing field here. If you feel I have contradicted your views or principles; then feel free to shoot me through your comments. I am prepared to take your bullets and also respond with mine, so let’s begin.